You can suggest a new alias, but they must be approved by an administrator before they are activated.
An example of how to use this: (Neon_Genesis_Evangelion is the tag and Evangelion is the alias. Evangelion -> Neon_Genesis_Evangelion)

Alias To Reason
god_tier (0) godtier (23686) same thing
cornibuster (0) deercat (0) same thing
vriska_maryam-lalonde (61) vrissy (0)
vrissy (0) vriska_maryam-lalonde (61)
yiffy (0) yiffany_longstocking_lalonde_harley (57)
harry (0) harry_anderson_egbert (31)
tavvy (0) tavros_crocker (24)
halloween (1) halloweenstuck (704) fandom specific term
jude (0) jude_harley (107) name
june (43) june_egbert (124) name