12/20/14 05:18AM
ElementJester's post

Terezi doesn't mess around. If she can tell Dave how to ruin a stock market, she can wrap her mind around retcon shenanigans.
12/21/14 07:18PM
Well, her job is to see what little choices people are likely to make and how they will affect other people's choices. Really, he was lucky to have her.
12/22/14 08:16AM
Well Vriska and Meenah are gonna die hard, but they've been tragically boring for a while now so maybe it's for the best.

Too bad, they used to be the best characters but then they gave up having any agency.
12/22/14 03:50PM
It was a cute update, but I don't like how defeatist Meenah has gotten. I want the Meenah who gave a shit back, the one with a plan.
12/22/14 08:34PM
Frankly I wouldn't mind if they bit the dust. One less pair of guys to split focus onto...
12/24/14 06:00AM
Retcon John's Going-Ons Part 2: Save Dragon Plushies from Being Fake-Murdered
12/24/14 10:07AM
Hmm... is Terezi messing with him, or is it a careful plot such that when he next appears to her with the plushie, it triggers her past self's curiosity/ingenuity.
12/24/14 08:39PM
What's up with that statue Gamzee is holding? I take it it was meant for Aradia, but I have no idea who that is.
12/25/14 04:56PM
Ho ho ho, Merry Gristmas
12/25/14 11:59PM
Yeah, merry gritmas to you as well.

And it seems that it remains fact that nobody can resist the Mayor's swag: Damara is the next in a long line to want some of that mayo... r.
12/26/14 04:33PM
Merry Christmas! R.I.P. Karkat/Terezi.

You were my first ship, but somehow I can't find it in me to mourn your loss whatsoever.
12/26/14 07:56PM
Okay so if I'm reading Terezi's intent right, I think she's trying to nudge the timeline so that her abusive relationship with Gamzee (and/or her relationship problems in general) doesn't happen and the associated depression that led to her getting her eyesight back, and the WORSE funk she got into after that.

Of course I realize that "him" is referring to Karkat, but I'm thinking on the long term here. Not having that same relationship as in the original timeline is probably going to change Karkat in some way too, but I haven't quite figured how yet.
12/29/14 06:59AM
Now this plotline I can get behind. Finding awesome stuff out. Sweet.
12/29/14 07:26AM
Glad to see the new timeline's going about the way I expected it to go. Jade just vanishing into thin air's a new one though, wonder how long it's going to take to find out Retcon John's hand in that.
12/29/14 09:56PM
Ends on a stinker. It shows Roxy getting forked, but JANE is the one that's dead. Either this comes out with a "surprise Roxy isn't dead" or it leaves us wondering "Well, now where did she end up going?"
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