02/09/13 06:58AM
AHAHAHAHA Jane's gaze.
02/09/13 07:10AM
ElementJester said:
WeerdBro said:
Prince!Dirk of Shelby/Calliope featured Nepeta-olive shoes;

Actually, they were a Mind green color. Same with Meulin's boots.

And the latest update does appear to confirm that color; the point still stands that his shoes are the same color as the Leijons'. Hopefully Jane's uneasy gaze upon Jake's manties will prevent any monstrous excess in discussion of their shoes.
02/09/13 07:27AM
Ok, now he's just taunting us.
02/09/13 07:58AM
lol, that crotch shot.
My thoughts: "GUTSMAN!"
02/09/13 09:52AM
I'm torn between the black humor involved in the immortality thing being the first godtier power they use and how awesome it would be if that weren't the case, for once.
02/09/13 09:52AM
Shucks buster
02/09/13 10:31AM
Could we just stop talking about shoes' color and Jake ass, and just start some weird theories about next update?
02/09/13 10:42AM
Dialoglog with Dirk, Roxy, and HIC (I hope). More likely a cut away from it all due to void powers.

edit: It'd be funny if Caliborn wanted to communicate with Jake and Jane and had to figure out how to get Jack to to so without resorting to bludgeoning.
02/09/13 01:33PM
Pietrek said:
Could we just stop talking about shoes' color and Jake ass, and just start some weird theories about next update?

We are going to see some godtier powers in action.
02/09/13 05:44PM
Those reaction faces of Jake and Jane at the end remind me immensely of Gravity Fall's Mystery Twins.
02/09/13 06:57PM
jack got the eyes wrong
02/09/13 07:19PM
Apart from two 8s. Hooray for more proof that he's not going to be English.
02/09/13 07:41PM
I wonder why Caliborn gave him that crowbar.

We all know, and I'm sure Caliborn does too, that Jack likes stabbing the best. And there were plenty of sharp objects lying around for him.

I wonder if he wants Jack to use it because of its temporal properties?
02/09/13 07:48PM
So he can give it to the leader of Roxy's carapaces of course.
02/09/13 10:25PM
For anyone who missed having a flash movie the fans have you covered.
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