alternians aradia_megido deletethestars equius_zahhak eridan_ampora feferi_peixes gamzee_makara kanaya_maryam karkat_vantas nepeta_leijon sollux_captor spectrum tavros_nitram terezi_pyrope vriska_serket

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12 comments (0 hidden)

Anonymous >> #747
Posted on 2012-11-09 23:13:01 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Feferi is so ridiculously adorable. Maybe I'm just weak to fish puns

Snuffleheim >> #793
Posted on 2012-11-10 05:43:13 Score: -1 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Let's switch Vriska's gender, then make her human. How do you feel about that poem now?

(Not criticizing the artist, just making an observation.)

Anonymous >> #794
Posted on 2012-11-10 05:44:50 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
It's interesting to think about a lot of things Vriska says and does in terms of a scenario in which she is not a hot chick.

Duck >> #807
Posted on 2012-11-10 07:28:08 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)

How about Kanaya? She's the one threatening to slaughter all the competition.

Anonymous >> #808
Posted on 2012-11-10 07:30:02 Score: 2 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
@ it just makes me sad that the fandom compresses all of Kanaya's character into two things essentially.

1) lesbian

and 2) possessing a perpetual murder boner.

But it's not like anyone is safe from fanon mischaracterization in HS anyways.

Snuffleheim >> #829
Posted on 2012-11-10 09:36:06 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
^People, and especially large groups of people, have a drive to simplify, often with the result of absurd oversimplification. I think the tendency for fan mischaracterization of HS characters is a function of the size of the fandom and the cast rather than a tendency specific to this fandom's temperament.

Referring back to my comment, I'm talking specifically about that (supposedly) romantic poem thing. Let's say it wasn't a bisexual female alien with an oversized ego and an affinity for chance, but instead a human male speaking to a human female. Kind of a lot more creepy, huh? Gets even creepier if the guy's white and the girl's not.

Anonymous >> #847
Posted on 2012-11-10 18:01:36 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
As I said, it's pretty obvious that pretty girls can get away with certain things that people would not be totally keen on seeing a male doing. I often ponder how fandom reaction to a lot of things Vriska did / said in the story if genders were reversed. It's not just limited to this one piece of fanart.

maxcoffee >> #855
Posted on 2012-11-10 18:44:00 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Unrelated to the gender dialogue, but I feel like the John/Vriska ship is an example of how Vriska's character isn't universally denounced: the idea of her refusing her evil nature for his affection would make it so much more cathartic.

I see your point, but I'm reading it as straight-up cockiness. The kind of vane posturing that smacks of relationship ideas commonly employed by male assholes.
Which goes to show what the stereotypical images of (puerile) masculinity are worth.

Snuffleheim >> #874
Posted on 2012-11-10 21:42:59 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
@Anon847: Yeah, she's a pretty good example of that double-standard, which is why the choice of poem in this piece of art was actually probably a good one. It WOULD be interesting to see how people would react to a male Vriska, even though in her society it would make either no difference or the opposite difference (depending on how you think Alternian gender roles worked).

@coffee: Oh, absolutely. She's just that kind of asshole. It just happens that she's a female bisexual alien, so it doesn't trigger the same alarm bells in most people's minds.
Oh, crap, I said it. If anyone sees a red sweater let me know so I can get the heck outta dodge.

Anonymous >> #879
Posted on 2012-11-10 22:27:28 Score: 1 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
@in terms of the story it wouldn't make a difference, but in terms of fan opinion I have to think a guy mentally and physically picking apart an introverted quiet girl would not receive such general fanare for the guy and blaming and mocking of the girl.

I think Hussie did it on purpose, subverting the genders and making these kind of things more acceptable in the eyes of a lot of society (despite the fact that it is in no way acceptable, deal with it). I'm not saying there is anything wrong with anyone's opinion on Vriska, or that everyone /only/ likes her because she's pretty. That of course isn't true, she's more than that I know. But the notion that the same people would feel the same way about her if she weren't a pretty girl simply isn't true.

The same holds true for a lot of the HS characters, particularly the trolls. It's interesting to think of Eridan's arc as a female, Tavros's as a female, Kanaya as a males, ect. The roles of gender and fan perception in Homestuck is interesting to ponder about.

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