12/07/12 05:45AM
Body modification includes tattoos. Any sort of body modification counts. Ink, piercings (beyond let's say cute little ear piercings), gauges, split tongues ect.

Strong outfit was supposed to be for the whole ensemble yes but if it's obvious update art, but I've been tagging both even if you can't see his boots since strong tanktop was a tag since he wore it during his introduction about.

12/07/12 01:56PM
honeycomet said:
And bumping that "blind_sollux" tag I requested a little earlier, but didn't appear to get any comment on.

Would blind_sollux feature only two black eyes, or would the black eye/white eye combo of his demi-dream-ghost self also be included?

For that matter, would a seeing_terezi (or some similar name) be worth it, for her pre-Hivebent yellow eyes?
12/07/12 04:02PM
Also, actually, to continue the color discussion:

post #71244

Right now this is tagged limited_palette. I'm curious what you guys think of that. To me, it seems like a pretty ambiguous case, because it's true that each troll is cast individually in just one color, but since twelve distinct hues are at work here, the "limitations" on this palette are hardly very strict...

I mention this especially because I'm sure there are other images of the twelve trolls which are analogous, in that each troll is rendered in just their associated color (though I bet none of the other images are as delightfully stylized as this one). Do we call these limited_palette or not? I find I'm leaning toward the opinion that this is stretching "limited_palette" a bit too far, and that such an image probably just shouldn't be given a color tag at all. (Unless we were to go even deeper down the rabbit hole and dredge up a tag like "troll_colors"!)

I'd like to hear other opinions, though.
12/07/12 04:51PM
Yeah 12 seems a bit much. We should probably set a limit. Maybe like no more than six colors...
12/07/12 09:57PM
I feel like some sort of vomit related trigger tag might be prudent... thoughts?
12/07/12 10:10PM
I've seen a lot of tumblr users tag it emetophobia...Though we could probably just go with vomiting.

Beezle, I don't think the tag should apply to that work, since the piece as a whole is certainly not limited in its color use.
12/07/12 11:19PM
Beelzebibble said:
Would blind_sollux feature only two black eyes, or would the black eye/white eye combo of his demi-dream-ghost self also be included?

For that matter, would a seeing_terezi (or some similar name) be worth it, for her pre-Hivebent yellow eyes?

Yeah sorry should have specified, blind_sollux is only when he has both two black eyes (or both black eyes + goggles), because he could see again when he was a half-ghost. I suppose the half-ghost Sollux could have a tag of his own, maybe halfghost_sollux?

And yeah I guess we should have a tag for non-blind Terezi as well.
12/07/12 11:38PM
Could even just be "half_ghost", since that doesn't apply to any other character in the first place. And on the remote chance that other characters do attain half-ghost status, it would be better to have a generic "half_ghost" tag and combine that with the character you're looking for than to have both "halfghost_sollux" and, I don't know, "halfghost_equius" or whatever.
12/08/12 09:33PM
Did we all agree that the "ducktier" tag was pointless on that last mspabooru due to the creation of the "prince" tag? Can we get rid of it?

Also again, I want to restate what should Jake's default weapon tag be? "glocks" or something else?
12/08/12 11:00PM
Ducktier only works for the prince of hope, no others are yellow. It's a cute tag and I'm partial to it, but I can't argue it's not useless so if it has to go I remember it fondly.

I'd say maybe double_pistols for his default? Are they ever specified as glocks I don't remember.
12/08/12 11:35PM
Is there a tag for christmas/winter related pictures?
12/08/12 11:51PM
Christmas = holidaystuck

winter = winter
12/09/12 12:40AM
Pie said:
Christmas = holidaystuck

Actually, when I created the "holidaystuck" tag last year, it meant to encompass all of the winter holidays which includes Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's Eve/Day, and all other holidays during that usually happen during this time that I forgot to mention.
12/09/12 12:47AM
Pie said:
I'd say maybe double_pistols for his default? Are they ever specified as glocks I don't remember.

I recall nobooks said that those guns had a specific name:
nobooks said:
Ah, probably because I missed the pistolkind section when I was composing the tags for all the kid's weapons. The wiki name for Jake's initial pistols are 'Twin M9 Berettas', but we could simplify it into glocks or pistols too. I should fix this.

So I guess the proper tag would be Twin_M9_Berettas.
12/09/12 02:30AM
Herp guess it would be prudent to read the thread, my bad.

Glocks work. Or we could use the proper tag as well. Either or.
Chocoboo said:
Pie said:
Christmas = holidaystuck

Actually, when I created the "holidaystuck" tag last year, it meant to encompass all of the winter holidays which includes Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's Eve/Day, and all other holidays during that usually happen during this time that I forgot to mention.

Also yes I know. Including Christmas which is what he was asking. I should have specified though, that it does indeed include all winter holidays, fair enough.
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