11/07/12 10:25AM
Test Results

1) The brackets that this booru uses are [ ] and not < >
2) The lettering that is allowed are bold and italicized
3) URLs will work so long as http:// is at the beginning. You can't make fancy urls with [a href=] or [url src=]
4) A quick URL trick that could save you some keystrokes is the [post> </post]trick. For example, if I wanted to go to 413, I can type it out with the bracketed posts and come up with

post #413

Hope this helps!
11/07/12 11:48AM
11/07/12 11:48AM
sweet they stack
11/11/12 07:29PM
Oh wow, that post trick really does help.

Thanks, Nyre.
11/13/12 12:32AM
Does [url]mspabooru.com[/url] work?

'parently not.
11/13/12 12:39AM
Perfect! Now I can link multi page comics neatly.

post #66701

EDIT:Finally figured it out.

http://mspabooru.com/index.php?page=help&topic=forum this practically spells it out.
11/19/12 06:03PM
post #43664

Apparently, this works on the forum, but not in the comments section? I guess no multi-page comic linking for me then. :(
11/19/12 10:31PM
It's been working for me! :O
11/19/12 11:49PM
what am I doing wrong then in the comments? I type up the [post*][*/post](minus the *) in the comments and I get the prompt "a few more keystrokes and this may actually be interesting" which prevents me from posting any comments. :(
11/20/12 12:23AM
The thing is that you need at least three words in a comment. The code block counts as only one. So something like "Next > post ######" should work.

I still recommend using the "Parent" function so that you get navigation at the top of the pic and not in the comments.
11/20/12 01:28AM
Yeah, Choco, that's not the post tag not working, it's the spam filter cockblocking again.
11/21/12 12:23AM
Tropylium said:
I still recommend using the "Parent" function so that you get navigation at the top of the pic and not in the comments.

How exactly do you this, because I've seen this on other boorus that have multiple comic images?

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