01/29/15 09:10PM
How would one tag that though? The percent sign is a special symbol...

Also, I hate to say it, but seeing those shipping grid images show up every time I search a particular pairing is really annoying. Can we like... NOT tag them with the pairings and just let "shipping_chart" keep them under control?
01/30/15 01:26AM
Hell, they're annoying in terms of character names, too. I wonder if e.g. a shipping chart featuring beta kids and Alternians could just be tagged that way, "shipping_chart", "beta_kids" and "alternians".

Too bad about the % character. "two_percent_milk" still gets the point across but it's not as visually clear...
01/30/15 05:42AM
Beelzebibble said:
Hell, they're annoying in terms of character names, too. I wonder if e.g. a shipping chart featuring beta kids and Alternians could just be tagged that way, "shipping_chart", "beta_kids" and "alternians".

Yes. Exactly that, yes.

As for the tag proposal, I seem to recall it being milk_and_honey before getting switched to techbros for whatever reason???
01/30/15 06:54AM
It seems "techbros" used to be called "techbro2" on the older images. I didn't see any "milk_and_honey", but that's not exactly something I can just put into the search bar and find in the tag history.

Also, I feel as though taking the ship/character names off the shipping chart images defeats the purpose of having them on this site anyway.
01/31/15 01:23AM
Edfan32 said:
It seems "techbros" used to be called "techbro2" on the older images. I didn't see any "milk_and_honey", but that's not exactly something I can just put into the search bar and find in the tag history.

Also, I feel as though taking the ship/character names off the shipping chart images defeats the purpose of having them on this site anyway.

I disagree, only because the sheer number of ship tags makes it ambiguous as to which pairings the charts themselves are making reference to. Between specific shipping images and this very thread, I think people should be able to find their way without them.
01/31/15 03:21AM
Rohandrius said:
shipping charts

I sort of figured the grid charts are here because they're so complex and all-encompassing, not as a "ship-finder" or such. Also, I just realized: do you think that the ship names should be tagged for the benefit of people's blacklists? There's a lot of ships people really don't want to see without being all Equaranon about it.
02/05/15 09:08AM
I sort of figured the grid charts are here because they're so complex and all-encompassing, not as a "ship-finder" or such. Also, I just realized: do you think that the ship names should be tagged for the benefit of people's blacklists? There's a lot of ships people really don't want to see without being all Equaranon about it.

A useful side effect, I guess. Pretty sure that ease of searching was the initial goal, though, and I'll admit I don't personally blacklist any of them. Just because I don't ship something, doesn't mean there isn't some great art out there for said NoTP.
02/06/15 01:39AM
Jake/Aradia: Ram Page
Jake/Tavros: Animal Magnetism
Jake/Sollux: Beebee Gun
Jake/Karkat: Movie Night
Jake/Nepeta: Monster Hunters
Jake/Kanaya: Proper English
Jake/Terezi: Hellmurder Scene
Jake/Equius: Blazing Saddles
Jake/Gamzee: High Adventure
Jake/Eridan: Hopeshipping
Jake/Feferi: Bubble Trouble
Jake/Jake: Old Fashioned
Jake/Autoresponder: Interchangeable Lenses
Jake/Kankri: Trigger Happy
Jake/Calliope: Skull Fans
02/08/15 05:27AM
Always impressed by how much work you put in here to complete the chart. Saw you cleaning up a bunch of the dupe posts too. You deserve like a free art commission or something. (Not that I can guarantee promptness or quality...)
02/09/15 12:13PM
Implemented Jakeships now. Proper_English, Hellmurder_Scene, Blazing_Saddles and Bubble_Trouble don't have enough images among them to even set the tag justifiably.
Got blindsided by Interchangeable_Lenses and Skull_Fans. Where did these come from?! The names are a bit weak, but both ships -should- have a tag; there's more images for them than I thought.
02/09/15 05:46PM
Man, I don't know, Jake ships are hard to name. I was hoping to riff on "frame" for the autoresponder, but all I got was frame_of_mind for Auto/Terezi and hearts_aframe for Auto/Dirk (which I love, but okay "my little phony" is really good too).

Maybe "glass" would be a good autoresponder keyword? But all I can come up with for Jake is bold_as_glass (i.e. "bold as brass") which is really shitty, and... and... I'm the only one who will ever like your_ass_is_glass.

Maybe world_glass as a pun on "world-class" since Jake is an aspiring globetrotter? No, it sucks, everything sucks especially Jake.

Calliope sucks too. What do you do? I agree that "skull fans" isn't strong but... There's got to be something with "bruise" and "muse", like maybe musin_for_a_bruisin. Or maybe there hasn't.
02/14/15 05:03AM
Dirk/Aradia: Hat Trick
Dirk/Tavros: Gull And Bull
Dirk/Terezi: Ghost In The Smell
Dirk/Gamzee: Scratched Motherfucker
Dirk/Eridan: Potter Smuppet Pals
Dirk/Feferi: Prince And Princess
Dirk/Autoresponder: My Little Phony
Dirk/Cronus: Swimming Anime

I also added some more pictures to those four Jake ships, if that matters any.
02/14/15 05:22AM

I also added some more pictures to those four Jake ships, if that matters any.

ALWAYS. More pictures! The Booru must feed!

Seriously, sharing is caring. If it wasn't for here, I wouldn't even know about half of the artists I follow now
02/14/15 11:25PM
Rohandrius said:
Not in my experience. If you could build a mock-up grid though and link it, I'll gladly populate the pairings.

I'm a bit late to the party, but I figured small grids like this ( could work. It seems easier to check for ship names than the current format on the second page.

Also, those are all the current ancestor-exclusive ship names and a lot of them are just placeholder portmanteau names right now, so if anyone has better names, suggest them!
02/17/15 09:41AM
Thanks for the access permission btw.
You might just have a case for building mini-grids for "within category" pairs, and then just the list form for outsiders (or really, "cross-catagory" pairings) But I think the main grid does still need to be as big as it is because the alpha/beta kids and trolls both have a LOT of cross-pairing. HIC, Dad, WV, and others may end up being given a home on both sheets simply due to their prominence.
tl;dr I'll build it in right after I finish those Dirkships. :/
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