08/22/13 12:04AM
I sent you a PM in reply -- really would rather keep this about the pools under question.
08/23/13 04:55PM
Pie gave tentative approval to the switching of "undergarments" and "school_uniform", but I wouldn't act on it without a word from Pie in this thread.

I also want to hear counterarguments if there are still any. Or does no one object?
08/23/13 09:16PM
I don't really care either way.
08/25/13 03:53PM
I can't really see any problem here other than potentially attracting users who'd campaign for a not so SFW booru, but since that *already* exists too (separately from us), go ahead.
08/25/13 04:01PM
Again, I don't see how making "undergarments" into a tag steers the booru toward less SFW waters. I see it as exactly the opposite, because tags can be blocked and pools can't.
08/27/13 09:49PM
Okay, "school_uniform" is completely implemented. If no one objects, I'll close up shop on School_Boys_and_School_Girls shortly.

Any further comment on "undergarments"?
08/30/13 03:10PM
Gonna make a pool for art of just lusii with no trolls or people in em, unless their are objections.

Also I agree with the logic behind the underwear tag. Tags can be blocked it'd actually make the booru safer (less questionable really) for those who are that straight laced.
08/30/13 10:12PM
So can I add "bathing" tag because, you know, bathing can be very triggering?

08/30/13 11:26PM
NothingSpecial said:
So can I add "bathing" tag because, you know, bathing can be very triggering?


The bathing tag has already existed for months now...ever since you first suggested it.
10/23/13 09:58AM
Following Beelzebibble's lead I've made character spotlight pools for each of the alpha kids. Pool:167-170
10/23/13 01:22PM
Oh nice. Thanks. I call dibs on the trolls though.

(I'm not going to make those pools until each troll gets at least 25 results for "solo score:>=10". So it'll be a while. The mad Tavros/Sollux/Equius/Gamzee bumping must continue.)
10/23/13 08:00PM
Big question though -- per our decision about allowing Grandma!Jade images in the Jade pool, does that mean Nanna/Hass/Mom/Bro pics can go in the alpha kids pools? I'm leaning yes.
10/23/13 08:34PM
Oooh love the new pools. Thanks Duck ;p

Gonna try to bump some artworks, too, though. I am so eager for the troll pools (OOPS!) I agree with you on the inclusions. It makes sense and beefs up the pools a bit.
10/23/13 08:47PM
Ahh, I could tell you were helping with the bumps, Loppy. Thanks a lot.
10/23/13 09:45PM
I'm fine with adding the Nanna/Hass/Mom/Bro etc pics to relevant pools.
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