02/25/13 05:49PM
Vriska said:
Anyway, she 8ecame a ro8ot and killed me 8ack, so o8viously we're cool now.

Only in Homestuck.
02/26/13 01:49AM
I thought this was an awesome update.

Before all the Vriska haters out there start complaining, I've got to say I loved everybody's exchange and thought everyone was spot on in their points, including Vriska and Sollux! (well except for maybe angst Tavros)

I agreed with pretty much everything Vriska said. Considering Tavros has fallen to the path of the douche long before they got this ship, no way is Vriska going to give one of the longest heroes of the first human session lower pirate rank then the whining, petty guy. I miss old Tavros, why you so Gollum?
Its pretty nice to see how Vriska and Aradia have become good friends through their old ties and mutual murder friendship. I would say it's odd by OUR standards in the fact they haven't apologized, but considering 1) How much time has passed, 2) How much both their young lives were ruined and manipulated by Doc Scratch, and 3) Troll's inherent gravitation towards hate, Vriska and Aradia have developed a nice relationship.
I'm also surprised Vriska doesn't hate Eridan as much as Gamzee anymore, even though he tried to kill her in the Mexican standoff, killing Fef, and destroying Kanaya's orb. But I guess with their past relationship as a fake kismesis burning out, the time out there, and her desire to treasure even the friends she didn't even like anymore, I guess she has her reasons to putting the past behind them.

I guess that's what makes Vriska a natural leader for the dead. Since players of the game don't get a traditional afterlife by any measure, its best to just do your best in your weird purgatory

Sollux trying to make John uncomfortable was a little uncalled for, but excusable. He is a Doom player afterall. Plus, Sollux was always going to come to blows with Vriska. Have these two ever talked one-on-one before? Or in years? Sollux hates Vriska, and nothing Vriska does is going to change that.

They both had interesting points, and I agree with each perspective, although Vriska did pull out a valid hypocrisy card on Sollux.

What are the doomed trolls from their perspective? The ones with very few shared memories. Are they real? Enough so, but do you really want to make friends with someone and accidentally become closer to him/her then the friend your searching for that shares all your past experiances? I wouldn't. I'd find it unsettling. And that's just counting the doomed trolls due to Aradia, that's not even counting all the dead trolls from quantum dimensions based on probability. Their even less real.

If you start to see dozens of versions of your friends, and yourself, that are better off, more powerful, more popular, more start to value the personal connection you had with that one ghost who's from your timeline more and more. These are not thousands of different trolls you've never met but could be good people on their OWN merits. This is different. The idea of pretenders and copies are going to become lodged in your brain whether you are immoral or not, as Vriska proved when Sollux refurred to them as copies.

"See? You just called them copies. Even you can't avoid accidentally using a pro8lematic slur which reveals that no matter what you 8elieve a8out your morals, deep down you're always gonna favor the original, while viewing all the others as duplic8tes of lesser value."

Sollux was more badass then he has been in a long time, and had every right to defend his position on the 'all life/afterlife is equal' defense. And at the same time, Vriska had just as much reason to defend the importance of personal connections and that 'all non-existant life/after-life is equal' made no sense.

I guess for a doom player, this might be kind of personal, and that's a good step in developing his character and his player role.

And Aradia is fully justified on her last remark cause she's heard the voices of the dead all her life, and its her dream job to be as good a host as possible.

To sum it all up, everyone except Tavros is being awesome, coming to quick understandings isn't a strong suit for Breath and Hope players, and Meenah has a fever, and the only prescription is more John stabbing.
02/26/13 04:02AM
Honestly, I very rarely see people complain about Vriska on the booru? Vriska is very appreciated.

On the other hand, you do take the opportunity to cut up Tav at every opportunity. It's pretty unpleasant.
02/26/13 04:19AM
Re: Sollux and Vriska, yeah, I don't think they ever spoke outside of a very terse conversation in the first troll walkaround, during which time Sollux made it extremely clear that he had no interest in playing Vriska's games or really putting up with her at all.

I agree that Sollux was in rare form this time, after mostly getting overlooked during the "corpse party" sequence. He's never going to be one of my favorite trolls, but he has his good moments, and this might actually have been his best moment in the comic so far, dialogue-wise.
02/26/13 07:06AM
CronoM said:
To sum it all up, everyone except Tavros is being awesome,

...I'll get back to you tomorrow. e_e
02/26/13 07:58AM

Aranea and Vriska getting along is actually pretty sweet.
02/26/13 08:00AM
Yes, they seem to be able to puppet everyone quite well when working together.
No, seriously, even if it's for a "good cause", that shit's whack yo'.
02/26/13 08:01AM
Yes, the Serkets are a strong united front. Good. I don't agree with what they're doing, but they're pretty adorable.

"MEENAH: maybe some day ill find an heiress who my genes dont instinctively make me wanna murder on sight "

Foreshadowing for Meenah/Jane interaction, perhaps?
02/26/13 08:42AM
Maybe! I really liked all of this update. Even if Aranea sort of got a bit meaner. Then again, I always sort of knew she had a little bit of sadism in her.
02/26/13 09:06AM
haha eridan's horns are missing
02/26/13 09:20AM
I'm going to also have to voice my disappointment in current Vriska and Tavros' relationship. Her conversation with him about fucking shit up hinted at some good developments in the future for them, but they have both been coming off as static characters ever since. Tavros with his "gollum" routine, and Vriska being a bitch. Yeah, I know that's her thing, but back when they were alive it was interesting to see how insane she was in regards to her expectations towards Tavros, culminating in the very well done quest cocoon scene, and it worked in the aforementioned fsi conversation because it showed that she had not become completely castrated as a character, and that she was able to begin to have more understanding towards Tavros without losing what made her so enjoyable in the first place. It was a perfectly good and logical progression to her character arc. Now they both come off as shallow parodies of what they once were. I'll give them some more time before wishing euthanasia via LE on them though.
02/26/13 09:29AM
So the heiress murder thing is genetic? So wait, what about Beforan Fef? Also, does this mean that Meenah... might actually kind of like Alternian Fef, if it weren't for the murder genes?

Nyre said:
Maybe! I really liked all of this update. Even if Aranea sort of got a bit meaner. Then again, I always sort of knew she had a little bit of sadism in her.

Well, she did grow up to become Mindfang on Alternia. It's just that her upbringing as a Beforan as opposed to an Alternian resulted in the greater expression of the nerdier part of her personality and discouraged her more ruthless side.
02/26/13 10:05AM
Yes, I know. I am mostly responding to the people who are rather disappointed at Aranea being Meenah's ancestors, considering they are so different in terms of demeanor and having a dynamic personality.
02/26/13 11:18AM
@Timeghoul: I never had expectations that Vriska and Tavros' relationship would be anything but what it is already. Maybe if circumstances were different and there wasn't the threat of Lord English out there, Vriska may have taken the opportunity to have a relationship with Tavros that's different from what it is, but she won't and probably can't.

The way I see it, Vriska has latched on to Lord English as a means to escape from having to develop meaningful relationships beyond what she considers useful to her. As much she might hate LE for using her as part of his schemes, she's absolutely enjoying the opportunities LE provides as a challenge.

Maybe after LE is dealt with and provided Vriska is still around, Vriska will have to deal with her place in eternity and if what she wants to be with Tavros as something other than outright domineering and manipulative. But Vriska is enjoying commanding an army too much and Tavros...well, the poor guy just seems to have given up on changing that relationship dynamic.

I doubt Tavros will make any progress himself. The best outcome I'm seeing right now is a bittersweet moment of self-sacrifice with a crowning moment of awesomeness to protect Vriska from double-death by LE. Doubtful, I'm sure, but maybe Tavros will step up if it's an action to save Vriska's life instead of ending it like back at the quest cocoon. Tavros was willing to save Vriska's life by kissing her (and who knows how that might have affected his character progression if Vriska didn't stop him from doing that), but he oouldn't find it within himself to off her at the cocoon even when Vriska begged Tavros to do it. It was fleeting, but I believe it demonstrates Tavros' potential for self-agency provided the right circumstances.
02/26/13 01:48PM
My god.

Mind-controlling all those troll ghosts so they're forced to row in deadpan silence, WITHOUT ANY OF THE DELIGHTFUL BANTER WE EXPECT WHEN TROLLS ARE AROUND.....................

This is the worst thing Vriska has ever done.
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