12/17/12 07:49AM
Guess what, guys. It is Calliope's art.

I noticed it was a visual callback to that shot of the cherubs' dying sun, and through the wiki found out that that itself was a visual callback to this. MOBIUS CALLBACK REACHAROUND???
12/17/12 08:02AM
It's a visual callback to a lot of things.

Spirals are present in much of HS. John's land, the image of the red sun, Bec Noir's green flames, Serenity...This image, I guess, is what all of those examples call back to.

Quite possibly even that is a callback to PS. Remember GPI? He had a little spiral on his forehead.

And he created a universe. :3

edit: roxy's hair...
12/17/12 09:53AM
^Now I'm hoping for some Homestuck/Uzumaki crossovers. Get on it fandom!!
12/17/12 10:15AM
Dead!Calliope artwork now please.
Uguu!Calliope is Uguu! but it would be a great change of pace.

Also Uzumaki was a good manga. Nice and creepy.
12/17/12 10:18AM
Ah snap! Will Roxy flip the fuck out?
12/17/12 10:30AM
Spirals? Creating universes?

It is a fact now. Homestuck is the prequel to TTGL.
12/17/12 11:04AM
You're not looking so good there Callie.
12/17/12 01:25PM
More like Callinope.
12/17/12 05:02PM
Totally not creeeepy~
12/17/12 05:08PM
Oh dear god what in the name of mary mother of jesus christ callie..

(It reminded me of that shitty movie Insidious....)
12/17/12 06:28PM
Was half expecting Roxy to fall down a hole in the center of the spiral.

Calliope's eyeless on account of LE being as well, right?
12/17/12 08:02PM
Hussie, you took such great care with her eyes. :(
12/17/12 09:30PM
Well she either changed her appearance to hide something, or to not scare Roxy / look creepy when meeting her. You can choose which line of thought you'd like based on your preferences / rose colored glasses.
12/17/12 09:56PM
^Iunno, I don't think the troll visage is really that much less creepy than the cherub one to one who has seen neither before.
12/17/12 09:58PM
It is to Calliope who openly prefers being identified as a troll.

Also the white eyes are undoubtedly less creepy than empty gaping sockets ._.
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