05/17/18 01:47AM
Are there even any active mods on this website?
I want my art removed from here and I can't find anyone to help me out. It's been over a week and I've tried the email in the help thread, messaging the uploader, and flagging everything for deletion but I STILL haven't gotten any sort of response. Any help would be appreciated.
05/24/18 08:26AM
I don't think the mods come here anymore, though I think one is still... around, technically. Which art specifically do you want removed? It would make it easier for us to at least know what's which o:
06/23/18 05:52AM
Who even are the mods? LonelyCoast? Are they the only one? Is there any way to contact them?
01/04/19 08:09AM
Well that's nice, isn't it :)
10/15/19 06:50AM
Hey mystical mod who doesn't live here anymore. Make me a mod. Make all of us modes. We got nothing better to do and would love to delete images
10/23/20 06:01PM
i managed to get in contact with one of the mods (lonelycoast) but she apparently no longer has access to her account here. no clue if any other mods exist but i don't think so.
12/05/24 10:05PM
1. slayerduck (booru staff, admin)
2. SirenDucks (mod)
3. Snuffleheim (mod)
4. nobooks (mod)
5. maybetheyregiants (admin)
6. Mr_K (booru staff, admin)
7. Luxferre (admin)

i don't think anyone except for me and maybetheyregiants is active though.

also worth noting that reports and flagging don't do anything. for anyone who wishes any post removed for any reason, simply tag the post with "deleteme" and leave a comment explaining why.

EDIT: the statement directly above is no longer true, but the rest of my post still is
12/12/24 09:07AM
reports do work, are you not able to see them luxferre?

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