04/01/19 08:09AM
Problem uploading an image
Excuse me, I'm having some difficulty uploading an image. When I try to upload, it first claims "Some code seems to be injected into the image." and recommends that I resave it as a lossless PNG. The problem is, its already a lossless PNG, there's nothing else I can do with it. Second, I've ran it through virus scanner after virus scanner and there's nothing abnormal about the art.

It then claims that an error had occured and "The image could not be added because it already exists or it is corrupted." The artist I'm uploading, fluffbox or aninnocentdemon, has no art uploaded to this site. Further, this image is completely intact, freshly downloaded from DA; it can't be corrupted.

For proof, here's a link to the work's DA page:

EDIT: Never mind, I figured out a work-around. Its up now.
12/13/24 04:43AM
i just had this problem for the first time today and trying to upload it for the second time worked, with fewer tags and without a title if that matters.
12/13/24 05:14AM
I've ran into this a few times, I think it has something to do with the way deviantart in particular handles their images, as this isn't an issue I've ever had with Tumblr. Your best option is to open it in gimp and re-export it, and make sure it doesn't save any metadata. That usually does the trick.
12/13/24 03:52PM
the image in question in my case was taken from tumblr, not deviantart: which is somewhat similar to (therefore possibly meriting the first half of "The image could not be added because it already exists or it is corrupted.") but the system clearly isn't perfect given how many dupe images have been caught so far.

either way, i changed nothing in the actual image itself between the uploads so it seems wonky regardless.

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