05/26/13 10:12AM
Here it goes.
Not sure about which cuddling can be considered parental and which is possible with classic animal-acting lusus.
06/09/13 07:02PM
Two more color pools: Tasteful Tans and Vivacious Violets.

They'd been in the works for a while, but nobooks' and Tropylium's questions on post #75354 and post #63240 finally tipped me off that it was time to go for it. The brighter, warmer purples and darker pinks have caused ambivalence ever since the beginning (and anyway, Purples has almost always been the biggest pool, with so many associated characters); while Burnished Browns, always a bit sickly in comparison to the others, would look so much better without the tans.

I'm gonna be busy for the afternoon but I will come back and do more polishing and rearranging as soon as possible. I'm confident that these two have their own distinctly recognizable color identities.
06/17/13 10:54AM
Why do we have a "Dog Eared Jade" pool? We already have the Dogtier tag that accomplishes the same thing.
06/17/13 11:25AM
MisterSolitaire said:
We already have the Dogtier tag that accomplishes the same thing.
Pool: Dog Eared Jade
Non godtiers.
Ahem. Not the same.
06/18/13 12:13AM
06/18/13 01:15AM
I always forget the -tag trick.
06/18/13 06:07AM
Don't worry about my pool. I'll take care of keeping it up.

(especially since there are people that don't know / forget about the - tag thing as demonstrated above).

07/01/13 06:39PM
Just FYI, I'm bringing SOLO! back. :D Still WIP though.

-Also, anyone opposed if I randomize the order of the top picks pool? Much as I like the few first entries, they seem to be getting an unfair advantage over others…
07/01/13 08:26PM
I agree, I was thinking that too, but maybe the point is that the images are ostensibly supposed to be ordered from most votes to least?

In which case, you could just as well flip the order, and that problem would solve itself.
07/01/13 09:52PM
Oh yeah, I meant to say that I created the Ask Blog - Ask Dave and Jade by leverets Pool(#149)
07/02/13 03:11AM
Beelzebibble said:
I agree, I was thinking that too, but maybe the point is that the images are ostensibly supposed to be ordered from most votes to least?

Well I dunno. Once they're IN the pool, it's a feedback system by itself for votes (most casual visitors are not going to be diving 1635 pages into the booru's backcatalog). So we can't really distinguish how much of it is "natural" upvotes…

I'm thinking the order could be randomized every 3-4 months to keep some rotation up, the pool is getting big anyway.

(I've also thought about doing some topically split "lesser favorite" pools but I do not really have time to dedicate to that)
07/02/13 03:47AM
I was actually thinking of introducing four character spotlight pools: one each for John, Rose, Dave, and Jade. Mostly solo pics (consorts, etc. would be okay) and with a score threshold of say 12 or 15. If the idea took off, there could be more character spotlight pools later.

Buuuuut that'd be a lot of work and I too am super busy as it is. Maybe later.
07/03/13 06:54PM
Beelzebibble said:
Buuuuut that'd be a lot of work and I too am super busy as it is. Maybe later.


(And yeah the main 4 are the natural initial focus. Probably followed by patron trolls > alpha kids > other Alternians.)

In lesser news: new pool for fanarts collecting a character's different outfits. Still missing at least several Aradiae in case anyone's feeling out of stuff to do.
07/04/13 10:22PM
One more color pool: Chichi Cyans.

Among the qualifying images is one containing a shark, post #84914, which you can take as symbolic if you think the color pools have jumped it by now.

But really the pull of cyan images was hurting Teals' cohesion a lot and sometimes causing ambiguity between Teals and Blues (e.g. post #100047), so now both of those pools are improved and we've got a new one to ooh and aah at if we so choose.

(Hey, there are eighteen now, that's one for every type of Pokemon! Let's see: Radiant Fire, Beauteous Water, Grandiose Grass, Yummy Electric, Burnished Rock, Vivacious Psychic, Tasteful Ground, Luminous Bug, Opulent Fighting, Bewitching Dark, Chichi Ice, Pulchritudinous Poison, Galumptious Steel, Wondrous Normal, Intriguing Ghost, Majestic Dragon, Tantalizing Flying, and Popping Fairy. Fuck yeah.)
07/10/13 11:54PM
Noting #153 here too: a pool for "holistic flash update art" (current title: "Enter, Descend, Cascade").

There's a little bit of everything but I'm surprized at there being nothing for WV: Ascend.

I'd also be particularly interested in seeing something for one of my Act 6 favorites, EOA6I1. Or a single piece for Unite/Synchronize…
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