One more color pool: Chichi Cyans.
Among the qualifying images is one containing a shark,
post #84914, which you can take as symbolic if you think the color pools have jumped it by now.
But really the pull of cyan images was hurting Teals' cohesion a lot and sometimes causing ambiguity between Teals and Blues (e.g.
post #100047), so now both of those pools are improved and we've got a new one to ooh and aah at if we so choose.
(Hey, there are eighteen now, that's one for every type of Pokemon! Let's see: Radiant Fire, Beauteous Water, Grandiose Grass, Yummy Electric, Burnished Rock, Vivacious Psychic, Tasteful Ground, Luminous Bug, Opulent Fighting, Bewitching Dark, Chichi Ice, Pulchritudinous Poison, Galumptious Steel, Wondrous Normal, Intriguing Ghost, Majestic Dragon, Tantalizing Flying, and Popping Fairy. Fuck yeah.)