Pool: Character Spotlight: Caliborn

The best Caliborn images on the booru go here.

Criteria: 10+ votes and Caliborn-centric. Solo images are the most obvious candidates, but minor satellite characters like pets, consorts, and lusii are welcome. Guardians, sprites, etc. are questionable, probably better avoided. Other kids/trolls/cherubim besides Caliborn are definitely better avoided.
caliborn cat-pun meme solo rating:Safe score:10 user:navrisk caliborn claymode homosuck mcsiggy sketch solo rating:Safe score:14 user:muteTyphoon caliborn godtier letsdrawcats lord solo time_aspect rating:Safe score:10 user:muteTyphoon 2014 animated caliborn godtier image_manipulation lord solo squirrel245 time_aspect rating:Safe score:12 user:LonelyCoast animated caliborn epilepsy_warning godtier lord solo squirrel245 time_aspect rating:Safe score:11 user:LonelyCoast 2014 blood caliborn goggles headshot karkat_vantas meta ring_of_life salihombox solo text rating:Safe score:17 user:Chocoboo caliborn caliborn's_self-insert homosuck humanized kf1n3 solo rating:Safe score:12 user:Chocoboo areallybigsnake caliborn caliborn's_self-insert fedora homosuck humanized solo rating:Safe score:16 user:Chocoboo broken_source caliborn caliborn's_self-insert egoist-24 fedora homosuck humanized solo rating:Safe score:18 user:Chocoboo ampora-of-hearts animated caliborn calliope headshot siblings:caliborncalliope solo rating:Safe score:14 user:Chocoboo 2014 artificial_limb caliborn solo text transparent wire rating:Safe score:15 user:LonelyCoast caliborn sammichrussia solo text rating:Safe score:12 user:Nyre beans caliborn solo rating:Safe score:13 user:Chocoboo caliborn godtier headshot homosuck lord panel_redraw pj solo rating:Safe score:15 user:Pie animated caliborn figsnstripes hat solo suit rating:Safe score:10 user:Chocoboo 2013 amazon broken_source caliborn headshot how_to_draw_manga_girl image_manipulation iriskeaton not_fanart solo text this_is_stupid rating:Safe score:5 user:LonelyCoast caliborn crossover goggles image_manipulation madoka_magica silverlolita solo rating:Safe score:19 user:LonelyCoast caliborn crossover disney goggles solo the_emperor's_new_groove rating:Safe score:12 user:LonelyCoast 2013 caliborn cardioaurum image_manipulation punstuck solo this_is_stupid rating:Safe score:10 user:ElementJester caliborn glasses_added hat request solo twogiggy wonk rating:Safe score:15 user:Pie animated caliborn chibi diabetes food playbunny solo rating:Safe score:11 user:Pie 1s_th1s_you anonymous_artist babies caliborn image_manipulation punstuck solo this_is_stupid rating:Safe score:5 user:Chocoboo animated babies broken_source caliborn calliope cherub_egg cherubim diabetes miaouler solo rating:Safe score:17 user:kronos-ampora caliborn clouds low_angle planets rainbowthinker solo rating:Safe score:18 user:Jogn_Ehbert 2013 black_rifle caliborn cover_art profile rumminov solo rating:Safe score:11 user:Jogn_Ehbert 2013 alpha_kids blood caliborn cover_art dirk_strider impalement jake_english jane_crocker milkmanner red_miles roxy_lalonde silhouette solo starter_outfit rating:Safe score:13 user:Jogn_Ehbert caliborn cover_art derse dreamself indolentjellyfish inexact_source solo rating:Safe score:11 user:Jogn_Ehbert 2013 animated babies caliborn calliope cherubim diabetes epilepsy_warning havesome-candy solo rating:Safe score:14 user:Jogn_Ehbert babies caliborn calliope diabetes huge rileyav solo rating:Safe score:11 user:Jogn_Ehbert caliborn drug_use harshwhimsy request solo rating:Safe score:10 user:Chocoboo bigblackzahhak caliborn cosplay hat humanized jellos-shots oblique_angle real_life solo rating:Safe score:15 user:Pie 2012 black_rifle blood caliborn calicorn huge sitting solo strikelist wallpaper rating:Safe score:13 user:Nyre ? adventure_time animated argentarachnids caliborn crossover image_manipulation solo rating:Safe score:10 user:SirenDucks blood caliborn gullible_soup solo rating:Safe score:13 user:SirenDucks caliborn comic doxolove solo word_balloon rating:Safe score:13 user:Pie 2012 animated caliborn solo squirrel245 rating:Safe score:13 user:Duck back_angle caliborn indolentjellyfish lands solo rating:Safe score:14 user:SirenDucks animalstuck caliborn grumpy_cat image_manipulation meme solo theoriginalvictoria rating:Safe score:10 user:SirenDucks animated caliborn desolate_rock meme solo teyuss rating:Safe score:13 user:LonelyCoast artificial_limb blood caliborn comic crossover disney happyds paperman solo rating:Safe score:13 user:Duck bedsafely caliborn headshot solo rating:Safe score:10 user:Pie animated blood caliborn mail-man pixel solo ~ath_book rating:Safe score:11 user:SirenDucks au blackoutballad caliborn character_sheet hat hitmanstuck humanized solo rating:Safe score:12 user:sync animated caliborn insecureillustrator solo the_finger rating:Safe score:15 user:sync 2010 artist_collaboration bec_noir cairo_overcoat caliborn caliborn's_self-insert humanized jack_noir lord_english nakkirz rukafais solo rating:Safe score:5 user:DanGalt animated boy's_club cairo_overcoat epilepsy_warning headshot lord_english meme native_source solo this_is_stupid yagglediggle rating:Safe score:10 user:yagglediggle cairo_overcoat kadath lord_english solo rating:Safe score:10 user:WeerdBro caitlin clouds lord_english solo rating:Safe score:13 user:Pie adventure_time animated crossover headshot lord_english solo squirrel245 rating:Safe score:13 user:Zael animated artificial_limb crossover epilepsy_warning hat jocoserious-joey lord_english solo team_fortress_2 rating:Safe score:15 user:WeerdBro animated cairo_overcoat epilepsy_warning lord_english nursetiger solo talksprite rating:Safe score:13 user:WeerdBro 3d artificial_limb blackmatter234 cairo_overcoat epic huge lord_english solo rating:Safe score:18 user:WeerdBro artificial_limb cairo_overcoat deleted_source lord_english mihirahira solo rating:Safe score:12 user:SirenDucks 2013 cairo_overcoat lord_english naem solo spiral_sucker trickster_mode rating:Safe score:16 user:Naem 2012 artificial_limb cairo_overcoat crossover cthulhu_mythos lightning lord_english seerofnight solo rating:Safe score:14 user:Tropylium cairo_overcoat crowbawt food hat holidaystuck lord_english solo rating:Safe score:11 user:Zael artist_collaboration cairo_overcoat epic godmachine headshot image_manipulation kaolin lord_english parody solo rating:Safe score:19 user:SirenDucks 2012 cairo_overcoat image_manipulation lord_english naem solo rating:Safe score:11 user:Zael 2012 animated cairo_overcoat dredsina epilepsy_warning lord_english solo rating:Safe score:12 user:nobooks alyssaties animated headshot lord_english profile solo the_truth rating:Safe score:19 user:sync abortedslunk animated cairo_overcoat death_blast flash_asset lord_english solo rating:Safe score:17 user:sync 2018 caliborn godtier highlight_color lord sketchoodles solo time_aspect rating:Safe score:10 user:NepetaFan