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37 comments (0 hidden)
eternalDelight >> #29565
Posted on 2013-06-26 02:20:03 Score: 9 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
Wait, shouldn't everyone else have that face around Kankri?
suomynonA >> #29567
Posted on 2013-06-26 02:50:26 Score: 5 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
that's his...triggered face
Sporkaganza >> #29579
Posted on 2013-06-26 08:40:06 Score: -2 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
thats my face when you and the rest of this fandom and andrew fucking hussie himself reduces the actual dangerous reality of triggers to a fucking joke
sit your ass down
Anonymous >> #29580
Posted on 2013-06-26 08:46:23 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
And my face when you miss the fact that it's parodying that most people anymore use them when they're annoyed by the subject than actually triggered by it.
#TW: slight opposition to opinion
Sporkaganza >> #29583
Posted on 2013-06-26 09:01:47 Score: -2 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
Haha! I've been on Tumblr before. That's not how this piece of shit fandom uses it. No, any time some decent human being tries to call anyone out on their bigotry, someone just pulls the "lol ur just being kankri *trigger warning jokes*" card.
No one fucking uses trigger warnings in that way, by the way. I've been on tumblr and I've never seen frivolous trigger warnings except as a joke about "sohul justus waryors" or Kankri.
Sit your ass down.
Anonymous >> #29592
Posted on 2013-06-26 10:08:12 Score: 2 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
How charitable and chivalrous of you. Take another look through the typical social justice tags. It's filled to the brim with people misdirecting their attention to frivolous subjects, poorly defending topics with bloated, meaningless arguments, and generally missing the point.
Are all of them? Of course. Are most of them? Yes, most of them are being Kankri, good ideas in heart, failure to communicate them, and worse, being a righteous ass about it, like you.
Ass stays firmly standing.
Anonymous >> #29593
Posted on 2013-06-26 10:11:22 Score: 1 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
Are all of them? Of course not.*
Preemptive fix.
Anonymous >> #29595
Posted on 2013-06-26 10:14:39 Score: -2 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
Spork, arguing social justice with people on this site ain't going to do you a hell of a lot of good. It's fundamentally misunderstanding the attitudes and priorities of the target audience of this site; i.e., MSPAF/HSG dudebros who twang their boners to Grimdorks. It's like speaking Chinese to a Frenchman, they'll get nothing out of it and you're just wasting your breath.
Chocoboo >> #29599
Posted on 2013-06-26 13:40:02 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
Er, I thought the point of Kankri was that he was the "Goofus" to Porrim's "Gallant" in terms of Social Justice(why do people overlook that Porrim was also a ref to the SJ crowd). I mean for anyone complaining about Kankri, do you miss the part where he belittled Porrim's ideals on equality for women and used misogynistic words towards her "two-vehicle for a village"(something like that). From what I got from Kankri he was using the cover of "social justice" to bring attention to himself and to boost his ego. He seemed like the type of dude who likes to hear himself talk.
Anonymous >> #29613
Posted on 2013-06-26 19:17:34 Score: 4 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
Partially, but you're on the right track. It would be more proper to call Kankri a bratty child than a goofus, I think. He is in the relatively unique position of "being Jesus but not quite" and in the story, this makes him the cool kid for while and getting loads of attention from the others. That starts his nasty habit of trying to be the overseer of morality in their group for no other reason than because he is Jesus and it's the right thing to do.
This is opposed to Porrim, who does it for a cause and a problem she can clearly see and understand. This ultimately gives Porrim a solid foundation in what she dealing with while Kankri is flailing at best and continually coming up with the wrong ideas. He also does the social justice stuff for reasons related to himself getting attention, true, while Porrim does it for dealing with the problem. This ultimately means that Kankri cannot improve upon himself in social justice because he has no way to observe actual problems and learn from them (and thus is a failed seer).
So yeah, Kankri's story is one of undeserved attention and brattiness. Perhaps with some selfless goal in there but largely buried in attention seeking.