animalstuck ellinor grayscale grimdorks john_egbert redrom rose_lalonde shipping sketch starter_outfit

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8 comments (0 hidden)

Loppy >> #36304
Posted on 2013-11-07 17:21:30 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
why do people always draw John as a bunny or draw him with bunnies? Is it because of the whole prankster/magic tricks motif going on with him?

LonelyCoast >> #36307
Posted on 2013-11-07 17:39:43 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Yeah, pretty much. Plus it's cute and fits him imo.

Loppy >> #36308
Posted on 2013-11-07 18:02:03 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Oh, I am definitely not complaining. I love both John and bunnies with all my heart. I was just wondering if my hunch was right, considering the fandom's fondness for non canon designs and aus and such.

Mr_Ruse >> #36310
Posted on 2013-11-07 19:10:58 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Nah, it's because of the Liv Tyler thing.

Flaxseed >> #36326
Posted on 2013-11-08 00:10:23 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Possibly the teeth. and something about bunnies in boxes?

Anonymous >> #36343
Posted on 2013-11-08 03:15:40 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
He also had bunnykind iirc.

Chocoboo >> #36347
Posted on 2013-11-08 03:23:16 Score: 4 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
It's most likely all of the above. His close association with Liv Tyler(and the other stuffed rabbits) and a certain Con Air scene(which led into one of the best flashes in the comic), his specibus, and the fact that rabbits are usually depicted as tricksters in classic mythology and pop culture('sup Bugs Bunny). Jane is also depicted as a rabbit for nearly the very same reasons.

Natalman >> #39939
Posted on 2014-02-22 14:00:01 Score: 2 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Also fitting into the previous reasons: Rabbit holes have often been associated with connecting places and that only rabbits can use them. John teleporting around the narrative in recent times adds to that...also if John were to wear a tophat it would be even more fitting as the joke with magic tophats is that rabbits are pulled from them and no really knows where the rabbit is coming from.

So yeah a LOT of reasons why Johns a Rabbit.