aimless_renegade all_kids alpha_kids alternians amporas ancestors andrew_hussie ar aradia_megido aranea_serket arms_crossed artificial_limb bard bec_noir becquerel beforans beta_kids beverage bilious_slick biscuits blind_sollux bq breath_aspect bro caliborn calliope cans captors casey cast_ensemble cd clover clubs_deuce consorts crabdad crocodiles cronus_ampora crowbar dad damara_megido dancestors dave_strider davesprite dd diamonds_droog die dirk_strider doc_scratch dogtier doze dragonmom dream_ghost dreamself eggs equius_zahhak eridan_ampora feferi_peixes felt fin frogs gamzee_makara god_cat godtier hb hearts_boxcars heir hella_jeff her_imperious_condescension holding_hands horuss_zahhak iguanas itchy jack_noir jade_harley jake_english jane_crocker jaspersprite john_egbert kanaya_maryam kankri_vantas karkat_vantas knight kotijumi kurloz_makara latula_pyrope leijons light_aspect lil_cal liv_tyler lord_english lusus maid makaras maryams matchsticks mayor_sash meenah_peixes megidos meulin_leijon midnight_crew mituna_captor mom ms_paint nannasprite nepeta_leijon nitrams no_glasses no_hat peixeses pm porrim_maryam prospitian_monarch psidon's_entente pyropes quarters rag_of_demons rage_aspect rainbow_drinker roboslick rose_lalonde roxy_lalonde royal_deringer rufioh_nitram salamanders sawbuck sawtooth seer serenity serkets snowman sollux_captor space_aspect spades_slick spidermom sprite squarewave starter_outfit stitch strong_tanktop sweet_bro sweet_bro_and_hella_jeff tavros_nitram terezi_pyrope thief time_aspect tinkerbull trace trolls turtles vantases vriska_serket wayward_vagabond white_wand witch wonk wv zahhaks

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2 comments (0 hidden)

atomic >> #42738
Posted on 2014-06-12 07:53:11 Score: 4 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
I saw that this had been uploaded before ( but this was a resized, not quite complete version. I'm the one that commissioned this piece from dodostad, so I decided to upload it on here.

Chocoboo >> #42756
Posted on 2014-06-12 22:26:33 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
That older one is eligible for the top picks pool, however since this is the largest size, this will go that pool instead by proxy.