agent_uniform ahab's_crosshairs aimless_renegade all_kids alpha_dave alpha_kids alpha_rose alternians amporas ancestor_cast ancestors andrew_hussie ar aradia_megido aranea_serket arquiusprite bard bec_noir becquerel becsprite beforans beta_kids biscuits blindfold blood bq breath_aspect bro caliborn calliope cans captors casey cd clubs_deuce commodore_coat courtyard_droll crocker_corruption cronus_ampora crook_of_frailty crowbar crying dad damara_megido dancestors dave_strider davesprite dd dead decapitation diamonds_droog die dirk_strider dogtier double_eyepatch draconian_dignitary dragon_cane dream_ghost eggs equius_zahhak eridan_ampora erisolsprite exiles expatriate_darkleer feferi_peixes fefetasprite felt fin gamzee_makara god_cat godtier golden_cuestaff grand_highblood grandpa guardians harlequin_uniform hb heart_aspect hearts_boxcars hegemonic_brute heir her_imperious_condescension homosuck hope_aspect horses horuss_zahhak huge image_manipulation impalement important_infographic inexact_source jack_noir jade_harley jadesprite jake_english jane_crocker jaspers jaspersprite john_egbert kanaya_maryam kankri_vantas karkat_vantas knight kurloz_makara lance land_of_crypts_and_helium land_of_frost_and_frogs land_of_heat_and_clockwork land_of_light_and_rain land_of_mounds_and_xenon land_of_pyramids_and_neon land_of_tombs_and_krypton land_of_wind_and_shade latula_pyrope leijons life_aspect light_aspect lil_cal lil_hal lil_sebastian liv_tyler lord_english maid makaras marquise_spinneret_mindfang maryams matchsticks mayor_sash meenah_peixes megidos meulin_leijon mind_control mindfang_dress mituna_captor mom ms_paint mspa_reader multiple_personas nanna nannasprite neophyte_redglare nepeta_leijon nitrams orphaner_dualscar page peixeses planets pm porrim_maryam prince prospitian_monarch pyropes quarters rag_of_demons rage_aspect rear_admiral_attire regisword roboslick rogue rose_lalonde roxy_lalonde rufioh_nitram sawbuck seer serenity serkets snowman sollux_captor space_aspect sparkadillia sprite stars starter_outfit stitch tavrisprite tavros_nitram terezi_pyrope text the_disciple the_dolorosa the_finger the_handmaid the_psiioniic the_sufferer the_summoner time_aspect trace umbrella unbreakable_katana union_jack unreal_air vantases void_aspect vriska_serket wayward_vagabond windswept_questant witch wq wv yarn zahhaks zodiac_symbol

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22 comments (0 hidden)

Anonymous >> #45386
Posted on 2014-11-08 04:30:19 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
I'm embarrassed to say I thought heroic deaths meant they kept living. so they're dead. oh.

Beelzebibble >> #45387
Posted on 2014-11-08 04:34:22 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Me too anon! It's been so long, I forgot the details of god tier death and such.

Anonymous >> #45388
Posted on 2014-11-08 05:08:38 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Man, Jacks just don't know when to fucking quit.

Anonymous >> #45389
Posted on 2014-11-08 13:00:27 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
The original 151 Homestuck characters are the best ones.

Beelzebibble >> #45390
Posted on 2014-11-08 14:22:47 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Ugh, you elitist. The second 100 Homestuck characters were beautiful and great and I love them the best.

MoonOfMajora >> #45391
Posted on 2014-11-08 19:13:30 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
I don't know why people hate the third generation of Homestuck characters so much. I thought they were pretty cool.

eternalDelight >> #45392
Posted on 2014-11-09 00:26:23 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Why can't everyone agree that each generation of Homestuck characters have their ups and downs and that some might be annoying or boring to some while favorites to others.

And that's not just because I have a soft spot for the fourth generation of Homestuck characters.

Anonymous >> #45395
Posted on 2014-11-09 05:39:49 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
>forgetting the Writ Keeper.

He died too soon.


epoxy >> #45396
Posted on 2014-11-09 05:56:21 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Don't forget to pour one out into the sand for Sentry Worm.

Anonymous >> #45397
Posted on 2014-11-09 06:15:34 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
I think the wolfhead is still alive/dead

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