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5 comments (0 hidden)
Otakuman >> #48395
Posted on 2015-04-06 23:25:21 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
Anybody know what this is a "parody" of?
Mr_Ruse >> #48396
Posted on 2015-04-06 23:33:27 Score: 4 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
According to the artist, it's based on the concept of Caravaggio's The Incredulity of Thomas. You know, Jesus showing off his injuries.
Otakuman >> #48399
Posted on 2015-04-07 04:23:40 Score: 4 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
All right. Do we have a tag for "classical art" or something like that for this post? I already tried creating a new one, but I know that there's a pre-existing one somewhere on the booru....
Snacake6 >> #48400
Posted on 2015-04-07 06:02:58 Score: 4 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
oh, I acutally found it! it's "fine art". there's also the "biblestuck" for biblical refrences found it there. yesss.
Snuffleheim >> #48401
Posted on 2015-04-07 20:02:36 Score: 4 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
Now this is a fresco I would go see.