alpha_kids bard blood body_modification codtier comic crocker_rifle crockpot crying dirk_strider gamzee_makara godtier golden_guns heart_aspect hope_aspect jake_english jane_crocker life_aspect maid music_boxes no_glasses page prince rage_aspect rogue roxy_lalonde salihombox shipping sitting unbreakable_katana void_aspect

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Anonymous >> #48578
Posted on 2015-04-19 05:50:14 Score: 4 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
My little inner crockpot shipper is huffing at the subverted connection moment between Gamzee and Jane.

The rest of me likes the idea of this comic and hopes Hussie does something along these lines if there are any updates that build off the scene Caliborn was pantomiming.

Seriously, you can't cut a clown down the middle and only use one half, that's just shamelessly wasteful, to speak nothing of leaving four fake heroes just licking their wounds in a vacuum after a final climatic battle that actually just played right into the hands of their ultimate foe without them realizing. (Also, Gamzee remaining as a bifurcated half and trying to figure out how to effectively move around and perform tasks that way is something I need to see.)