action_claws agent_uniform aimless_renegade alternians andrew_hussie animal_ears ar aradia_megido aradiasprite basilisk beta_kids bicyclopsprite biscuits bk black_king bq breath_aspect bro cairo_overcoat calsprite cans casey cast_ensemble cd clover colonel_sassacre consorts cosplay courtyard_droll crocodiles crowbar dave_strider davesprite dd dead_aradia diamond diamonds_droog die dirk_strider doc_scratch doze draconian_dignitary eggs equius_zahhak eridan_ampora exiles fansprite feferi_peixes felt fin fire_extinguisher frogsprite gamzee_makara giclops godtier grandpa guardians harlequin_uniform hat hb heart hearts_boxcars heir hussiebot iguanas image_manipulation imp itchy jack_noir jackspers_noirlecrow jade_harley jadebot jadesprite jake_english jane_crocker jaspersprite john's_vriska_outfit john_egbert juju_breaker kanaya_maryam karkat_vantas kernelsprite knitting_needles lord_english lusus_uniform matchsticks mayor_sash meteor midnight_crew ms_paint nanna nannasprite nepeta_leijon parcel_mistress peregrine_mendicant pm poppop postal_cap pumpkin quarters red_baseball_tee rex_duodecim_angelus rocket_pack rogueofheart rose's_winter_clothes rose_lalonde salamanders sawbuck scurrilous_straggler secret_wizard sepulchritude_shirt snowman sollux_captor space_aspect spades_slick sprite sprite_mode starter_outfit stitch tavros_nitram terezi_pyrope text trace trickster_mode turtles underlings vriska_serket walking_cane waste wayward_vagabond white_king windswept_questant wizardly_vassal wk wq writ_keeper wv ~ath_book

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4 comments (0 hidden)

NothingSpecial >> #27408
Posted on 2013-05-31 15:37:34 Score: 2 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
H for heroes.
O for ...?
M for Midnight Crew.
E for exiles.
S for sprites.
T for trolls.
U for underlings.
C for Caliborn's crew,
K for ...?

Nyre >> #27412
Posted on 2013-05-31 16:40:17 Score: 2 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
O is for "Origins" and K is for "Keepers"

NothingSpecial >> #27419
Posted on 2013-05-31 19:32:32 Score: 1 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Thank you. WHought about keepers but haven't find Bec.

NothingSpecial >> #27420
Posted on 2013-05-31 19:35:13 Score: 1 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Oh. Well, I should have had checked the source, author states that clear.

Still very clever.