2014 abraxas aimless_renegade alchemiter all_kids alpha_kids alternia alternians amporas ancestors ar aradia_megido aranea_serket arquiusprite bec_noir becquerel beforans beta_kids bilious_slick bq bucket caliborn calliope captors cast_ensemble cd cetus clover clubs_deuce consorts crocodiles cronus_ampora crowbar dad damara_megido dancestors dave_strider davesprite dd denizens derse diamonds_droog die dirk_strider doc_scratch doze dream_ghost earth echidna eggs equius_zahhak eridan_ampora erisolsprite exiles feferi_peixes fefetasprite felt fin final_frog gamzee_makara god_cat green_moon grist gunbeast hb hearts_boxcars hemera hephaestus her_imperious_condescension horuss_zahhak iguanas itchy jack_noir jade_harley jadesprite jake_english jane_crocker jaspersprite john_egbert juju_breaker kanaya_maryam kankri_vantas karkat_vantas kernelsprite king's_scepter kurloz_makara latula_pyrope leijons lil_cal lord_english makaras maplehoof maryams matchsticks meenah_peixes megidos meulin_leijon midnight_crew mituna_captor ms_paint mspa_reader nannasprite nepeta_leijon nitrams nix not_fanart peixeses peregrine_mendicant perfectly_generic_object periodic_table pesterchum pink_moon pm porrim_maryam prospit punch_designix pyropes rose_lalonde roxy_lalonde rufioh_nitram salamanders sawbuck sburb_logo serenity serkets skaia snowman sollux_captor spades_slick spirograph sprite starter_outfit stitch sylladex tavrisprite tavros_nitram terezi_pyrope thewrightchemistry totem_lathe trace trollian trolls turtles typheus vantases vodka_mutini vriska_serket wayward_vagabond windswept_questant wk wq writ_keeper wv yaldabaoth zahhaks

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1 comment (0 hidden)

Edfan32 >> #56758
Posted on 2018-07-08 05:38:07 Score: 1 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Nyre >> #39202
Posted on 2014-01-14 19:24:24 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
Guys, I don't think I got all the tags...

Mr_Ruse >> #39204
Posted on 2014-01-14 19:39:10 Score: 11 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
I miss one critical Homestuck element.

Namely the element of SURPRISE, YOU ARE DEAD NOW.

And no, #20 and #73 do not count.

Ninety >> #39211
Posted on 2014-01-14 21:02:41 Score: 15 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
...Nepeta isn't Arsenic? Really?

Nyre >> #39215
Posted on 2014-01-14 21:08:08 Score: 7 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
I had that thought too, and also that Meenah wasn't Gold

Anonymous >> #39221
Posted on 2014-01-14 23:24:36 Score: 9 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
and grandpa isn't hassium, what a waste

Nyre >> #39222
Posted on 2014-01-14 23:33:37 Score: 5 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
I'm okay with Davesprite being BROmium, though :3

epoxy >> #45027
Posted on 2014-10-19 07:52:42 Score: 5 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
The Kickstarter Fantrolls should be heavy elements with unstable nuclei and very short lifespans.