(Supports wildcard *)Tags
- 2011 4325
- 3 in the morning dress 1092
- adorabloodthirsty 1252
- arm around shoulder 1651
- ashenrom 179
- aspect symbol 2104
- beta kids 3428
- black squiddle dress 2522
- blackrom 2695
- bloody maryam 441
- bq 1314
- breath aspect 4704
- carrying 2708
- cat hat 743
- cigarette holder lance 222
- clubs 504
- con heir 696
- dave strider 20289
- diamond 1732
- dress of eclectica 1165
- equius zahhak 10754
- glassesswap 548
- godtier 24324
- grimdark 1432
- grimdorks 1055
- heart 11302
- heir 9069
- holding hands 4302
- hug 5093
- jack noir 3930
- jade harley 15752
- john egbert 19652
- kanaya maryam 11262
- karkat vantas 20481
- kats and dogs 1063
- knife 182
- light aspect 3730
- meme 2045
- meowrails 2280
- multiple personas 1437
- nepeta leijon 9984
- palerom 3968
- queen of spades 208
- red plush puppet tux 427
- redrom 27341
- rocket boots 30
- rose lalonde 14490
- seiyaku 3
- self loathing 55
- selfcest 302
- shipping 39301
- sitting 3206
- snowman 1189
- spacetime 1471
- spade 1690
- spades slick 2046
- spidermoth 601
- starter outfit 11230
- strife 1179
- terezi pyrope 11894
- text 12092
- thief 1889
- vriska serket 12115
- weapon 739
- Id: 177695
- Posted: 2023-05-22 17:45:43
by qwertz - Size: 836x938
- Source:
- Rating: Safe
- Score: 2 (vote up/down)