2422_earth ? aimless_renegade all_kids alpha_kids alternia alternians ancestors ar aradia_megido archagent arms_crossed aspect_symbol axe babies battlefield beagle_puss bec_noir becquerel becsprite bed beta_kids bgrevln8fu bicyclops biscuits bk black_king black_squiddle_dress blood book bq breath_aspect bro broken_bow cairo_overcoat cake cans cast_iron_horse_hitcher cat_hat cats cd chainsaw clawsickle clock clover clubs_deuce computer consorts cover_art crab_apple crabdad crabdadsprite crocodiles crossover crowbar cuttlefish dad dave_strider davesprite dd dead_aradia denizens dersite deuce_clubs diamonds_droog die dirk_strider doc_scratch doze dreamself echidna egg_timer eggs empiricist's_wand equius_zahhak eridan_ampora eureka_lemon exiles expatriate_darkleer faygo fedora feferi_peixes felt felt_duds felt_manor fiduspawn fiduspear fin fistbump flag flintlock_pistol flowers food four_aces_suited gaming gamzee_makara gash_sash girl's_best_friend godtier grandpa green_moon green_sun green_sun_streetsweeper gun harlequinsprite hb heart hearts_boxcars heir homes_smell_ya_later host_plushie humanized hunting_rifle image_manipulation imp instrument itchy jack_noir jackspers_noirlecrow jade_harley jake_english jane_crocker john's_vriska_outfit john_egbert jousting_lance junior_ectobiologist's_lab_suit kanaya_maryam karkat_vantas katnep key_lime kid_symbol king_of_the_hill land_of_pulse_and_haze land_of_wind_and_shade legislacerator_suit lemonsnout licking light_aspect lil_cal liv_tyler lusus maid mandarin_orange maplehoof matchsticks matriorb midnight_crew mind_aspect mom nannasprite nepeta_leijon not_fanart ogre optiic_bla2t pawn peregrine_mendicant piano pink_moon pixel pm pogo_hammer pogo_ride pop-a-matic_vrillyhoo_hammer pounce_de_leon prospitian psidon's_entente psionics quarters rainbow rainbow_drinker redrom rex_duodecim_angelus robot rocket_pack rose_lalonde roxy_lalonde rubber_horn sawbuck scalemates seagoatdad shipping shipping_chart sickle skaia sleeping smuppets snoop_dogg_snow_cone_machete snowman sober_gamzee sollux_captor sopor_pie spade spades_slick sparbots sprite starter_outfit stitch tab tavros_nitram tentacletherapist terezi_pyrope the_windy_thing thief thorns_of_oglogoth time_aspect trace troll_lab trollified turntables typewriter underlings velvet_squiddleknit violin virgin_mother_grub vodka_mutini vriska_serket walking_cane warhammer_of_zillyhoo wayward_vagabond weapon wheelchair windswept_questant word_balloon wq wrinklefucker wv zahhaks ~ath_book

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4 comments (0 hidden)

Nyre >> #1145
Posted on 2012-11-14 01:24:46 Score: 2 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
There's another set of these, but I'm not sure if it counts so I'll hold off on uploading it. :V

Tropylium >> #1152
Posted on 2012-11-14 02:34:44 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Dang, they're fakes. :/

Lettucefood >> #15942
Posted on 2013-02-26 03:42:40 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
...why are the alpha kids tagged on this picture.

nobooks >> #15945
Posted on 2013-02-26 04:04:44 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Maybe for the babies?