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4 comments (0 hidden)
Mr_Ruse >> #16375
Posted on 2013-03-01 20:39:39 Score: 5 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
Shadow Teddie, is that you?
Otakuman >> #38810
Posted on 2014-01-06 04:53:51 Score: 5 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
What is "Shadow Teddie", Ruse?
Mr_Ruse >> #38912
Posted on 2014-01-06 19:41:13 Score: 5 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
He is a character from the game Persona 4, widely considered to be an amazing JRPG and the last truly great game on the PS2.
Loppy >> #38978
Posted on 2014-01-07 20:49:06 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
ya play persona 4 pls its one of the best
and omfg totally got some shadow teddie vibes from doc scratch too