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bipartisanbread clover felt imp solo underlings

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3 comments (0 hidden)

ElementJester >> #8899
Posted on 2013-01-12 00:24:32 Score: -1 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
Dupe of

Pie >> #8905
Posted on 2013-01-12 03:33:11 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
This version is actually slightly different, the lines making up his suit aren't as thick and his suit appears brighter. I got this from a post where the artist claimed it was "fixed" so...

Pie >> #8906
Posted on 2013-01-12 03:34:45 Score: 1 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
"Revised" was the word, sorry. Either way it's different.