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5 comments (0 hidden)
Lettucefood >> #12046
Posted on 2013-01-30 07:04:04 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
i'm taking it from the notes that this japanese is a little mangled, possibly machine translated. y/n?
Pie >> #12047
Posted on 2013-01-30 07:06:09 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
Probably intentionally to give it more of that exaggerated Japanese feel that is textbook Animestuck.
Snuffleheim >> #12085
Posted on 2013-01-30 09:59:29 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
Ah, lovely animestuck.
Mr_Ruse >> #12088
Posted on 2013-01-30 10:05:38 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
I can't figure out that opening title. I get Descend, but Tobi "Radiation" Fox is one and the same guy.
maxcoffee >> #12098
Posted on 2013-01-30 14:00:57 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam)
ah thank you, I was not aware of that, I was just as confused when I saw it ^^;