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2013 animated asymmetricjester breath_aspect godtier headshot heir image_manipulation john_egbert rule63 solo talksprite transparent

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3 comments (0 hidden)

mdalsted >> #36569
Posted on 2013-11-11 05:34:21 Score: 3 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
I get the feeling that the Rule63 versions of John and Jane would switch their names.

Therefore, this is Jane Egbert. In an alternate timeline, we'll meet John Crocker.

Natalman >> #42788
Posted on 2014-06-14 16:21:16 Score: 1 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
I can totally see "Jane Egbert" having blue lipstick btw....maybe different colored lips come as a bonus for reaching Godtier?

Swaggy-G >> #42789
Posted on 2014-06-14 16:31:20 Score: 2 (vote Up/Down)   (Report as spam)
@ mdalsted
I dunno about you, but I always called their rule63 Joan and Jean.